Sichuan Wonaixi New Material Technology Co., Ltd.
Sichuan Wonaixi New Material Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2012 in Leshan, Sichuan, China, as a manufacturer of rare earth materials.
The company's product line encompasses polishing powder, neodymium praseodymium fluoride, cerium hydroxide, neodymium chloride monohydrate, and lanthanum acetate, among others. The products are utilized in the manufacturing petrol-chemical catalysts and are processed into cerium metal and other compounds. The materials are also used in catalyst production for automotive exhaust gas cleaning, acting as glass decolorizing agents, polishing powders, and raw materials for cerium metal production. The company serves various industries, including metallurgical, chemical, glass, research, ceramics, and electronics.
2 Sichuan Wonaixi New Material Technology Co., Ltd.'s products are listed.