
AD Piston Rings

  • Manufacturer
AD Piston Rings Website
AD Piston Rings


AD Piston Rings is a manufacturer of cast iron piston rings that is headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, and was established in 1921. The company specializes in manufacturing piston rings and seals for industrial uses such as hydraulic and pneumatic applications, compressors and stainless steel plunger rings for the die casting sector. ADPR produces cast iron and bronze aluminum piston rings which are used in hydraulic, hydro-electric, and lock or dam applications. The company's products are used in a multiple industries, including hydraulics, construction, and manufacturing. The company offers multiple services, such as custom manufacturing, precision grinding, and wax coating.


Company Type Manufacturer
Website AD Piston Rings Website


1 AD Piston Rings's product is listed.

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