
Renuka Packaging Machines & Automations

  • Manufacturer
Renuka Packaging Machines & Automations Website
Renuka Packaging Machines & Automations


Renuka Packaging Machines & Automations, founded in 2000 with headquarters in India, is a manufacturer of material handling and packaging equipment and systems. The company's product line includes powder filling machines, paste filling machines, liquid filling machines, palletizers, and conveyors. Apart from its existing line of machines and equipment, the company also manufactures custom equipment and complete packaging lines to meet client-specific requirements. Its clients include Johnson & Johnson, Pepsi, SAB Miller, Coca-Cola, and GlaxoSmithKline.


Company Type Manufacturer
Website Renuka Packaging Machines & Automations Website


2 Renuka Packaging Machines & Automations's products are listed.

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