Homogenising Systems Ltd
Our range of versatile High Pressure Homogenizers provide exceptional processing efficiency, with repeatable results, utilizing 40+ years of design experience.
Applications - Cell Lysis, Particle Size Reduction, Nanoemulsions, Liposomes, LNPs, Vaccines etc ..
Cell types include - Bacteria / E. coli, Yeasts, Algae. Materials - Graphene, Carbon Nanotubes, Nanocelluose and more.
Our industry-leading technology provide high pressures up to 4200 bar / 60,000 psi with sophisticated temperature control.
From Lab R&D samples to full production systems with volumes in excess of 2000 L/hr. Easy to use, maintain and clean + CIP and SIP.
Systems can be offered with IQ/OQ, materials certification and 21 CFR part 11 compliance.
Contact us for free testing and analysis of your samples.
3 Homogenising Systems Ltd's products are listed.