
Fluke Biomedical

  • Manufacturer
Fluke Biomedical Website
Fluke Biomedical


Fluke Biomedical, established in 2002, is headquartered in Ohio, USA, and is a manufacturer of comprehensive products for biomedical and radiation safety testing and monitoring equipment. The company offers a diverse range of products, including electrical safety analyzers, patient simulators, radiation measurement instruments, dosimetry systems, and biomedical testing software. The benefits of the products include accurate testing, increased patient safety, compliance with regulatory standards, and improved quality assurance in healthcare facilities. These solutions find application in medical device manufacturing, healthcare organizations, research facilities, and regulatory agencies, ensuring the optimal standards of safety and performance in medical equipment and radiation monitoring.


Company Type Manufacturer
Website Fluke Biomedical Website


1 Fluke Biomedical's product is listed.

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