
RGB Lasersysteme GmbH

  • Germany
  • Manufacturer
RGB Lasersysteme GmbH Website
RGB Lasersysteme GmbH


RGB Lasersystems, founded in 2000 with headquarters in Kelheim, Germany, is a manufacturer of compact and mobile laser systems for research, science, and industrial labs worldwide. The company's spectrometry business unit was acquired by the American Semiconductor Group in 2018. Since 2018, RGB Lasersystems has been able to provide a wide range of laser modules for a large range of applications, as their lasers feature beam quality, wavelength stability, and reliability at an impressive cost-to-performance ratio. The company also provides custom laser design and production to suit customer requirements.


Country Germany
Address Donaupark 13, Kelheim, Bavaria, Germany
Company Type Manufacturer
Website RGB Lasersysteme GmbH Website


1 RGB Lasersysteme GmbH's product is listed.


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